Yeah. So first, dentist I have several shoutouts – Mamiko for sending me my board, everyone I know out here in the city for probably unknowingly influencing me to buy one, Elliot for – well, I’m not sure, but somehow I think he influenced this one too.
And real talk, I’m not trying to act like someone who’s been down since day one on this. I only got my jawn like a month and a half ago, and my best trick is a little number I like to call “not falling”. But to be fair, growing up where and when I did, general common sense said that black people do not ride skateboards (I think my father might have actually told me this once). Somehow I did manage to own a pair of rollerblades, but that’s beside the point.
But yeah, this is a tape specifically engineered for hitting the pavement during these last few weeks of summer. Put this in the iphone/ipod/whatever devices you foreigners are using nowadays and hit the streets.
MIXTAPE 124 – THE SKATE TAPE by mixtapeshow
instromental: Madlib – Blunt Break.
Jay Electronica – Retro Electro. With DJ Clue screaming all over it, which maybe makes it better, I’m not sure. I was having a hard time thinking of what to start this off with, when I found this in the archives. I’m sort of looking forward to skating to this. m/jayelect
Che Grand – King ✖ Grand. My official theory behind the name of this track is that Che found out how to make this ✖ mark and decided to use it in a song. m/chegrand
Unagi – Song of Satisfaction feat Eddie Meeks. Shouts to Unagi for hitting me with this record in I think March. Actually, I’m certain it’s March, as I was listening to it back at home in CA and my moms heard me playing it and asked me who it was because she liked it – then she heard this particular track and said that “that man just ruined a very nice song”. I think the chorus is sort of great, personally. I cut this off halfway, but if you want the rest, go check it out. m/unagi
K-Salaam & Beatnick – Don’t Die feat Bun B, Talib Kweli, and Colin Munroe. I still don’t really understand the chorus here. “Don’t die” sounds like something you tell somebody before they try something stupid, like being Mexican and walking into a 7-11 with your hands in your pockets – but this song doesn’t even have any Spanish in it, so I’m sort of confused. That said, it’s a pretty good track. m/ksalaammusic
The Roots – !!!!!!!. Yeah. m/theroots
Tanya Morgan – Hardcore Gentlemen. The high pitched rapping in here is going to evoke a really obvious connection some other groups/tracks, but I think that’s the point. This song is great. “I took her to the movies and got her hella Skittles”? Brilliant. m/tanyamorgan
Wait, is that where I’ve been going wrong? Skittles. Had no idea it was that simple.
Born Wit It – Elevators Freestyle. The rest of the Substance Abuse tape ain’t too bad, either. w/bornwitit
J. Cole – Til Infinity. Somehow the last cut made me think of this one. Shouts to Ultra Ouxu for recommending this tape.
Hudson Mohawke – Rising 5. I mean, I’d heard of Hudson Mo before, but nothing like this. This is so good I felt bad talking over it. w/hudsonmo
Cymbals Eat Guitars – Living North. I mean, you can’t have a skate tape without at least some guitars in it, right? w/cymbalseatguitars
PS: My board is actually a longboard, and it’s hella cool. I should post a picture of it or something.
Oh man, you murdered it! Sooooo tight. Check out Kick To Kill – Skate Video Days.
Skateboarding and hiphop are very linked and it’s funny you mention that because before I was schooled to the game of music San Francisco skate videos is where I learned about new music.
whoa. good looks on the link.
Getting put up on new music through skate videos though, that’s actually pretty dope.
But no pharrell or Lupe fiasco? Dex ?
yo, I played Lupe way way back! But honestly, I wasn’t trying to be unobvious or anything, the two didn’t actually pop up into my mind at all except for the quick mention in the intro.
Who knows, maybe a second installment is in order?
EY MAN WASUP LOVE YOUR SHOW keep it up i kno… iill holla at you later too cheers
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Just listened to the show, nice! (even if the closest Iget to a board is ‘Skate 2′ on the 360 :) ). Good to hear Cymbals Eat Guitars and Hudson Mohawke tracks at the end there too!
Yo, I can’t front either – until like six weeks ago the closest I’d got was probably Tony Hawk on the PS2. And I wasn’t even good at that.
That and maybe Skate or Die, but that was just absolutely unplayable.
Town and Country, though. Anyone ever played that? That game was the business. Matter of fact I’m about to play that right now.
Dex! Always steps ahead Respect!
Okay i rarely drop by or comment but i been listening into your podcast for a while now…
The skate tape rocked!
P.S. Cant get enough of Jay Electronica
yo dex check this out!!
relates nations region responsible treaty
Yo Dex what was the intro instrumental? I cant remember the name and its killin’ me lol!
late response time. thanks for the bigups on the episode everyone, hopefully I can get back on it soon…
Kase – not sure why I didn’t put it in in the first place fam, but it’s Madlib with Blunt Break. Just updated the tracklist. Thanks.
Yo Dex. Love your show man, keeps me comin to work & bein productive! Much Luv&Respect from South Africa. 1
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Need instrumental rap