Man, stomatology I don’t even know how to start this one off. So once, page a very long time ago, on this very here rappidy rap podcast, I put out a nintendo mixtape. I didn’t actually think anyone would like it, I just sort of wanted to do it – but the response was actually sort of good. You could call this a sequel if you want, but in reality, this is actually a prequel…
The year is 1998, and our hero is a 14-year old dex digital. I would write out the story here, but I’ll just let Ghosteo take it from here with the mad drawing skills.
And thus opens today’s episode – The Gold Cartridge, Level 1.
Or, if you want the full experience, try it in fullscreen as you listen to the new jawn.
World 1-1
So for those of you who missed the ridiculous 5 minute intro skits – here you go.
Serengeti Drop.
J Bizness – Denice
Paul White – City Bright Lights
時ã®éŽãŽã‚†ãã¾ã¾ã«(Toki no sugi yuku mama ni) (NES)
Meek Millz – One For The Money. Hoodfamous on the track. I have to say, this is probably the best flip of the Super Mario Bros sample I’ve ever heard. Even beyond that, this beat just sorta goes hard. And anybody who’s seen any videos of Millz knows that the dude is sort of skurry with it. I mean, I woulda liked some mario references in this cut, but I can’t be mad at him. Shouts to JT for the cut. m/hoodfamous215.
Crash N The Boys (NES) – this game was the business back in the day. Most violent pseudo-olympics game I ever played.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Overworld Theme) (NES) – this game was so stupidly hard it wasn’t even funny.
Finale – Motor Music (snippet). When I first heard this cut I wasn’t really sure if I was reading too much into the droning background music – but then I heard One Man Show. Obvious nintendo influence. m/finale
Alchemist – That’ll Work feat Three 6 Mafia (snippet). You know, because I still like Three 6. This cut for some reason makes me think of Castlevania. I can’t really condone how dude prefers to spend his money, though. m/thealchemist
World 1-2
Wow, I forgot how whiny I was as a 14 year old.
Racist Gamealude
Street Fighter Intro. (SNES)
Turbo – Gigaton Punch. Definite shouts to AustinJ for putting me on to this track like two years ago. Now that he mentions it though, I don’t know anyone that actually used Balrog. Personally I started off on probably Dhalsim (long range punches), then Blanka until I realized the electricity thing was only cool until you got hit with a fireball in the middle of your shock attack. Then Guile, then Chun Li, mainly because she can jump off the walls. Why’d they have to make Balrog all useless? On the song though, you can’t even front on it. It’s great. y/scrambletv
Oh No – Lay You Out feat Redman. Oh No was already on the last Nintendo jawn, so he’s already got a record for being a nintendo fiend. And Redman isn’t really surprising either, considering that one episode of “Cribs” where he had like a Sega under his bed or something. m/ohnodisrupt
DJ Tour – Street Fighter Mix feat Mistah Fab. I don’t know, this is sort of a weird choice I guess. Beatwise, it’s actually perfect – they did absolutely nothing to the instrumental except add an extra kick and clap in and maybe some orchestra hits. Fabby himself comes with some sort of ridiculously corny lines, but I like how he says “money” so it’s okay. m/mistahfab
Star Tropics 2 (NES)
Afro Classics – The Follow Through. Maybe a new name for some (I’m actually sorta late with this one, so probably not), but if you remember Scarub of Living Legends – this is him paired up with Very. I haven’t had time to sit down through the whole record yet, but it ain’t bad. I dig the hook on this one. m/afroclassicsmusic
Oh wow, I completely forgot to do this in the outro, but shouts to B on the in-game announcer vocals. You might remember him as Uncle Chester from the Rock Episode.
Anyway, that’s what it is for this week. Apparently there’s a World 2 to this game, so I guess check back next week for another one?
hey everyone –
somehow I managed to delete this post from the database.
Good news – I managed to recover the content (obviously)
Bad news – some of you might have gotten this episode twice in your itunes.
Also, all the comments on this post got deleted. Sorry about that.
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