You all ever heard of this thing? Type A personality? It’s like I can’t even slow down here. Start up this episode, illness take a deep breath, and try to see the big picture here – it’s bigger than just your issues, kids.
Aside from that, though, I got two pairs of tickets to Nicolay + Kay shows to give away – one in each of these venues:
April 12 – The Forbidden City, Hollywood, CA
April 18 – The Black Cat, Washington, DC
So, I guess I’m supposed to do some sort of “contest” or something. I’ll make this one easy – just write me an email or leave a comment and tell me the number of the last Mixtape Show episode in which Nicolay appeared. Extra consideration given if you make the comment interesting. I’ll pick the winners pretty much asap. This will also be going on the Facebook thing too, so…get moving. Enough of that, let’s do it…
Intro beat – CL Smooth and Skyzoo – Perfect Timing instrumental.
Big Boi – Royal Flush feat Andre 3000 and Raekwon. It’s like the three of them sat down and said “Listen here, Andre. You rap good. Have like seven verses.” And Andre said “Okay”. And it was good. myspace.com/outkast.
The Roots - 75 Bars (Black‘s Reconstruction). I didn’t count them, but if there are 75 bars here, they are all good. Suburb put me up on this one and I’m still kicking myself for taking this long to actually get to it. I’m sometimes not too big on The Roots’ recorded material, but this is just kind of great. Even if there are probably more niggas in this song than bars (bonus points for anyone that counts them up!). myspace.com/theroots
Percee P – Untitled Percee P Track. Or at least that’s word-for-word how it was labeled on this CD. Dig the rhyme patterns that dude uses, and the Billy Jack quotes (I think I should check this film). Once again, kids – the bigger picture. “Payback’s a bitch, America / Karma too” myspace.com/perceep
Jay Electronica – Colors. Seriously, fam? 45 seconds? Don’t worry, kids, I got more.
Guilty Simpson – Pigs. I don’t think I really forsaw anyone attempting to rap over this Madlib jawn. Can’t hate on this dude for taking this one on, because he kinda tore it up. Quotable lines abound. myspace.com/guiltysimpson
Rhymefest – Mentor Mike feat Michael Jackson. What could I possibly have been doing that was so important that I didn’t listen to this song until this morning? Wow. myspace.com/rhymefest
Spec Boogie – Bed Stuy. The beat is just ridiculous. This one came highly recommended from our good friend Suburb, who is currently too busy eating Hot Chee-tos or something to let me listen to his new record. That’s fine, buddy. Spec, though – this is a great track. Plenty more of the same on his myspace. myspace.com/specboogie
Nicolay and Kay – Grand Theft Auto. Yes, the subject matter matches the title. If you dig this cut, hey, maybe try to get yourself a couple tickets. I really shoulda saved this for the next edition of the Nintendo Mixtape, but hey, who knows when that one’s gonna actually drop…myspace.com/nicolay.
Outro beat – Amplive / Radiohead – Weird Fishez. You all have the Amplive remixes of Radiohead’s In Rainbows, right? Good.
Shouts to Aimee, and everyone else that made this episode possible. Bedtime.
What up…I don’t know the number of the last mixtape show your boy was on (I just started listening to your show), but I work in the D.C. area and would like to check out the show. Hit me back.
Dex……this podcast’s as hard as petrified dog dookie.
nuff niceness up in here. guilty simpson is the present and future. black thought is just a natural born rhyme killa
that rhymefest joint is a little surreal.
J – gotta do some homework then!
Rbeez – haha, wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take that as a good thing at first. But yes, everything I’ve heard off this Rhymefest joint is surreal. Surreal is, again, the new black.
Diggin’ th e mix man; keep it up. I feel ya, sometimes you gotta just “Slow Down”. Peace and hair grease. -B
Uh-oh, I feel a rhyme coming on:
Type A in the crunch
Type B after lunch
Then weave between the two
Like fake hair-do
Fake tatoo & cyclone spin
Peace to wiki & Dex Digi
On the mix he gets busy
Or got
like slowing it down
a pro w/ the sound
can manage it w/ out
dumbing it down
I handle that
Cruise control
& eat on the run
See me stroll in my sleep
Won’t stop for no one : >
Oh, thanks for putting me on to that Bed Stuy track!
FU*K! Thought???!! Seriously, he KILLs all 75 Bars .
Nice tracks Dex, but I’m not sure I’d like to do breathing exercises to them.
Episode 94
it’s the top five going hard live and alive episode!
no complaints ;)
yo dex much thanks for puttin me on to the rhymefest!! my man is buggin with that mike jackson cut!!!! im lovin it
94 the year i got beat up in middle school for listening to a
dave matthews mixtape
vince – whoa. and no doubt on the bed stuy track. That one was just a given.
Astro – This wasn’t the breathing exercises episode. Wait for Mixtape Show: The Enya Edition.
Brer – Somehow, that seems pretty feasible.
What a great show intro to outro!
Yes, more Jay electronica, please.
btw. I guess that Spec Boogie – Bed Stuy sample is from Spike Lee’s Do the right thing – the WE LOVE radio jingle by Take 6.
Thx again!
haha all these boys in blue make me feel like a blood main dat was a hot line another clasick main nic and kay i would love to go to one of thier concerts but im in texas (even thoe kay is from my home town houston) i havve no car….lol
Yo Dex…What is that instrumental you had playing in the beginning called????That ish sounded like fiyah!!!!
yo svend!! good lookin out on that spec boogie sample. i was sittin here thinkin damn where have i heard that lil hook…bam do the right thing with my main man sam jackson!! and thats the truth….ruth!!
Got the Nicolay and Kay Timeline CD and The new Badu CD HITTTTTTTIN”!!! Damn!!
PPl be sleepin’ on the real shyt!
whatup dex. I WANNA SEE NICOLAY! Can I get those D.C. tickets pleeeeez? Hook a sista up man
oh yeah…the most recent episode featuring nicolay is 106 :)
yo yall – tickets went out. been mad busy, updates soon.
DJ Veracious – just updated the tracklist with the intro/outro beat info. Sorry I didn’t have that up first.
thanks for all your shows dexie. rhymefest+michael=funny.
Hee there,
I building a blog spot and i like to post your update`s of your mixtape`s, mixes, shows, dj mixes ect.
I just put your latest update`s on my blog spot,
if you don`t mind?
If you mind, let me know i will don`t do it anymore.
In the future you can post your update`s your self and i will post them on my blog.
I`m only post the link to your side.
And when you support me you can put a back link on your site our grab the badge from my site.
Thx and keep up the good work.
wow this ep is off the hook i got that roots vid on my myspace ..myspace.com/talat1 (thats a plug) haha u put your foot in this one ..and you got guilty simpson ..get some skillz on your next one ..(the rapper skillz i mean) peace im out
I sent you a new track dex ,,
Feedback is love ….
Yo man i just got into your podcast, got a microsoft zune last week and stumbled across your shit when i was looking through podcasts. damn am i ever glad i did, between the first four ive really listened to, i think its one of the best collections of random, but really good and true to its roots, hip hop. if only we had some of this getting airplay. its like what rhymefest was talking about in that mentor mike song. you can only be shown/told a lie so many times, and even speak a lie, so many times until it begins to sound like truth. but at least youre out here keeping the real truth spoken amongst a few of us.
keep that shit up, and i know i’ll keep listening. oh and by the way, congrats on making it through the vicoden haze haha peace
Anyone else profoundly affected by the lack of podcast?
i’ve been buying more records :)
I am definitely affected by the lack of podcast… :(
Come back to the states Dex…. I need my mixtapeshow fix.
I’m sure one of your boys could do a guest show for ya otherwise ;)
hey dex, stop being stingy with the ish man! I’m jonesing up here in the frozen tundra.
digthatfunk, sorry to hear about you getting that zune…my condolences.
i want mooooooooore! thankfully since im just getting into this show ive been going back and getting into some older podcasts. also, lol RBeezy. i like zune much more than ipod… i shouldve gone creative labs though, ive always liked what they come out with. i take it your an ipod fan then? zune software sucks obv but there are hacks for that haha
This is what i call a rap check out some more at YouTube.com/desihiphopdotcom