MIXTAPE SHOW 8 – chester copperpot interview part 2
Well, visit this site here it is folks – the long-awaited second half of the interview (check the first half here) with Chester Copperpot, on the only hip-hop podcast y’all need to even be bothering with. This time around, Chess explains why he keeps working with people from the UK, why there are those weird phone messages on his album, why he had to sell his MPC to make rent, and why he hates myspace.
I actually considered posting his myspace account on here, but I don’t know it and anyway that would be kinda harsh considering he hooked you all up with a bunch of tracks this week.
chess chose this picture…i have no idea either. it’s him, anyway.
Oh yeah, and we talk some politics as well. Also I think there’s something in there about frisbee golf and Nintendo, but I forget. Just download the goddamn show, aight?
Anyway, let’s get into it – tracklisttttt
Headtrip w/ Verb T and Kashmere – this one is off Chess’ album, Chapter 7. The rhymes are pretty out there, and the subject matter…well, I’ll let you check it out. The production is probably my favorite of his work though. Recco-fucking-mended.
It’s a Rap remix f/ Pace won and Longshot (exclusive!) – Is this a preview of that Longshot album Chess mentioned? Not sure, I’ll have to ask him later. Still, though, quality work…
The Gypsy f/ Pace Won – (exclusive!) – and closing out the exclusives on this episode, we got this cut. Pretty crazy imagery with the rhymes. Fuck it, just listen, I’m tired. I’d write more now, but I’m hungry and I need to sleep like whoa.
You can pick up Chess’ new album, Chapter 7, from the following sites:
Ughh.com, sandboxautomatic.com, hiphopsite.com, evrecords.net.
Be on the lookout for new ish coming soon…and keep coming back to the site, cause you know we fresh. Next interview is with The Source’s Unsigned Hype artist Akir, who you’ve heard on this show before. See? Y’all ask for something, I deliver.
Stay tuned y’all…
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