MIXTAPE SHOW EPISODE 27 – Bling Interview
Switched it up on you. If you listen to nothing else this week, for sale listen to this show. This show isn’t full of bangers and straight up heat, it’s full of fucking science. My man Kareem Edouard is working on a documentary (available for free online at wghfilms.com) right now that talks about the massive amount of people in Africa dying because of the diamond industry’s stranglehold on the economy and political situation in various African nations – Sierra Leone isn’t the only one.
We’re talking, for example, tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children – our brothers and sisters – being dismembered or murdered within the space of a few days. Listen through about three minutes of this conversation – you’ll see what I’m talking about.
What does this have to do with you? Well, if you’ve watched a rap video in the past 7 years, you’ve probably seen someone that is (probably unbeknownst to them) helping to fuel the conflict diamond trade. If you’ve already seen the documentary, this should provide some more information and background on what the production and whatnot are all about.
Also, the version that you can hear on the site is the abbreviated version – there is a “bonus cut” with some biographical info on Kareem that is saved for the download version. As always, you don’t have to pay for it – the abbreviated online version is just there to jump into the dialogue faster. If you you want to hear the full version, just click here, or get subscribed in iTunes.
And, of course, the 11-minute documentary is available, for free, on the WGH Films site. You can watch it in your browser, or take it with you on your iPod or PSP.
Special thanks to Kareem for doing the interview. The beat (not the de beers one, that’s a rough 10-minute jawn your boy cooked up in the lab) that starts off the interview is off of the new Dilated Peoples joint, “Back Again”. Anyone needs more info or whatever, holler…
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By the Grace and Mercy of the Creator of the heavens and earth, I am thankfulfor these few minutes to expres these words.
There is so much that can said and yet time is limited. I am touched by your effort to open the minds of the masses.
I am the founder of a youth organiztion based in “historic” Tuskegee, Alabama. I would like to lin with you about Tuskegee Futbol Youth Internationale locally and in ZIMBABWE, BURUNDI & MALI. This local TFYI effort is a soccer based organization which promotes soccer, health, agriculture and family.
The overseas TFYI effort is to assist the children who are without parents. We are supporting about 200 children with their education. There is more that needs to be done.
I hope to hear from you when you are available. I hope that we can polly later.
Thank you for your effort.
TinoBonga. Kakulu. Thank you, very much.
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