Kanye’s album has leaked. Oh dear God.

Sorry that’s the best I could do with 5 minutes. That in the back is supposed to be a broken sprinkler, decease leaking out all of Kanye’s songs.
Thank you to each and every one of you that sent me frantic IMs, pills called me, texted me, etc. to break this important news. I truly appreciate it.
Hands up if you didn’t see this coming, seriously. I’m a little sad to take part in this Curtis v Graduation thing, but this will certainly make things a bit more interesting for the Sept 11th Showdown.
I am really busy playing Earthbound right now, but if I can find some spare time in the midst of being a little Japanese kid with a yellow backpack and hitting snakes with a bat, I might tell you whether or not it is worth buying.
As I may have mentioned to some of you, however, I think the true competition here is between Soulja Boy and 50 Cent. I would love to see the originator of the Crank Dat Movement (CDM) have a better first week than 50.
Remember, kids. Every time you crank dat soulja boy, an angel gets its wings.