This racism in the USA mess is really getting old. If you haven’t read the last post on the Jena 6, glaucoma do that now.
This episode has been on the back burner for a minute, unhealthy and was going to be in a slightly different form, but I figured now was about as good a time as any for it. I apologize for the tone of the intro and the post. Can’t help it.
I’m going to expound on this later, but I’ll briefly state it here: Do you have a blog? Do you have a radio show, podcast, television show, or newsletter? Then you should be talking about this case.
Bobby Womack – The Facts of Life. You think rappers made the whole “talk for 32 bars before you start rapping” thing? Nope. Bobby Womack is the king of talking for hella bars before he starts singing. Note that this is slowed down, because I like it like that.
Amir Sulaiman – 82nd & Macarthur feat Sugar Macarthur. Yes, this dude sounds way too much like KRS One. I remember rocking this in the car and every 2nd track scanning the CD artwork making sure that this wasn’t like some weird pseudonym for a sideproject (dude does at one point note that he has a “voice like Kris”). This is one of very few spoken word albums I can recommend. Find it, get it. myspace.com/amirsulaiman.
Aya de Leon – If Women Ran Hip-Hop. Off the Queendom, Vol 1release. What can I say? Cosign. ayadeleon.com.
Gil Scott-Heron – The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. There’s really not a whole lot to say about this song. It’s weird how the longer you wait on these joints, the more relevant they become. Gil on wikipedia.
Black TK – Intro: I Do What I Wanna Do. Yes, this is the same Black TK that presents the other side of the cutting edge in soultronica with me here on the Mixtape Show. This is off the unfinished L.A. Hustlers Manual Vol 2. I’ve got volume 1, though, and trust me – this shit will blow your mind. Watch this spot for more.
Saul Williams – Real Niggery Track 5. From the Catchdubs mixtape. His debut album really was not bad if you sat down and gave it a chance, but apparently not enough people did. Nick put this mix together with Saul some time ago, and proceeded to catch heat for the title. Whatever. I haven’t seen him live for a minute, but if he’s in your area, you should go. myspace.com/saulwilliams.
Uzi Smalls – Live at the Delancey NYC ’05 (Break The System). Dude is definitely one of the more unconventional people I’ve had the pleasure of trading e-mail correspondence with. I mean this in the best possible way. He records albums, and gives them away for free. This one just hit me. I recommend his freestyles. myspace.com/uzibaby.
David Banner – Cadillac On 22s (Acoustic Version). This is why there’s no outro – I can’t follow this. Will somebody tell people to stop fucking with Louisiana? I am not enjoying this. myspace.com/davidbanner.
There it is.