Mos Def – Shook Ones

No, dosage this is not a remix. This is a dedication. This one goes out to all you shook-ass, website like this fake-ass, forgot-where-you-came-from-ass rappers, DJs, and “industry” wanksters:

So as most of you know, a little while back, we all (we meaning the entire community here) put out a little Jena 6 podcast. What most of you don’t know, however, is that while we were speaking out about this issue, a lot of scared rappers were hiding their heads in the sand. Scared to death, scared to look.
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CBC interview up, Jena 6 madness continues.

So yeah, sale like I mentioned on the last show, click I was interviewed on the CBC’s Radio One, anorexia on a show called Search Engine. The link to the interview is up on the CBC front page (for now), and you can see the blog post for this week’s show here, and direct download the show mp3 from their site

Listen to
. They did a little mash-up of the Jena 6 podcast, which means that some of you are also on there.

If nothing else, you can laugh at how I sound on the radio. Also note that while I have very little connection with this “afrosphere”, I have been told that my Afro is spherical.

In other news, Mychal Bell is finally out on bail, Davey D puts the lack of responsible rappers into perspective, my man John Carlos is telling people what time it is, and white supremacist groups have started issuing death threats and posting the addresses of the Jena 6 kids on the internet in an invitation for people to go do physical harm to them.

You read that right.

Jena 6: Where are our hip-hop artists?

Think about this:

We’ve got six high-school age Black kids either in jail, information pills or on the verge of going in. And I know that not all Black kids listen to a whole lot of rap music – but for the sake of argument, visit this check this:

A lot of the same artists that these kids spend their lunch money on, that these kids (for better or worse) idolize, that these kids think speak for them; are now, in their hour of need, nowhere to be found. I’m not necessarily talking about Kanye footing the bill for the defense fund, but about somebody saying something.

However: some of us are doing something. If you want an example, check out the last episode. There are a lot of prominent people on there showing support for these kids.

So I’m going to go ahead and take a bar from clyde (who, by the way, has really been taking bloggers to task on this thing) and compile a list of people who I know have done something about this issue. If you know of somebody who is doing something, please add them up in the comments. If you yourself are an artist and are doing something, then let us know.

I do worry sometimes that we get too negative about hip-hop, when plenty of people are carrying their own weight (and in the cases of a few, that of others). So this post is really just to show people that there is a growing number of MCs, artists, and industry people who are taking responsibility – and thereby encourage the rest of us to do the same, feel me?

Hit up the comments section…I know some of you out there have some info on this!



For those of you who have heard, heart today is the day of the nationwide protest in Jena, Louisiana for the freedom of Mychal Bell and the rest of the Jena 6.

If you’re not totally up on this situation, listening to this hip-hop podcast should remedy that. This show contains, in part, an interview with Brother James Rucker of But that’s not the only voice you’ll hear. A few days ago I posted a call for messages from the community on this situation, and got literally dozens of calls, which I’ve also added into the mix. You’ll hear people from California, Chicago, NYC, South Africa, Canada, London, and beyond. Rappers, filmmakers, label presidents, students, and everything in between.

Hopefully you dig this one. Thanks again to Color of Change, thanks to every single person that called, and every single person that is continuing to get the word about and fight for positive change. As you listen to this, a few thousand of our brothers and sisters are marching the streets of Jena, LA. The least we can do is make spread the word.

Note: To all college/community radio people: This episode is completely FCC clean and ready for airing. If you do

Listen to
and air this one, I’d appreciate a quick email so I can publicize that on the site. Thanks.

Hip-hop Artists/Personalities that appear in the show:
NYOIL (hear snippets of his “Jena 6″ in the intro and outro)
DJ Mr. King –
Vell Rob –
John Robinson (President of Shaman Work Recordings) –
Nick Cicero of Cicero Pro Audio –
Jahmil XT Qubeka (Filmmaker)
Michael Miraflor of Hip-Hop and Advertising –
Mad Anthony – Designer madanthonynyc.
Agent M of Blunt Beats Radio

Suburb – Untitled (first heard at 0’20)
Mobb Deep – Temperature’s Rising Remix (first heard at 1’55)
Madlib – Mind Touch (first heard at 5’20)
RJD2 – Weatherpeople (first heard at 9’40)
Dilla/Pharcyde – Runnin’ (first heard at 23’55)

Participate in the Campaign.
The Jena 6 campaign at Color of Change –

Also: Note that Mychal Bell is still in jail. You can send him postcards and letters of encouragement at:

Mychal Bell
Inmate, A-Dorm
LaSalle Correctional Center
15976 Highway 165
Olla, LA 71465-4801

A few moments of your time can really brighten this kid’s day.

Post this on myspace, facebook, email this, whatever it takes.

Free the Jena 6.