MIXTAPE SHOW 8 – chester copperpot interview part 2

MIXTAPE SHOW 8 – chester copperpot interview part 2

Well, visit this site here it is folks – the long-awaited second half of the interview (check the first half here) with Chester Copperpot, on the only hip-hop podcast y’all need to even be bothering with. This time around, Chess explains why he keeps working with people from the UK, why there are those weird phone messages on his album, why he had to sell his MPC to make rent, and why he hates myspace.
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MIXTAPE SHOW EPISODE 7 – chester copperpot interview part 1

MIXTAPE SHOW EPISODE 7 – chester copperpot interview part 1

Jyeah. You arready know what this is, doctor it’s your favorite hip-hop podcast show, visit this site the mixtape. This time on the mixtape show, we’ve got Chicago super-producer Chester Copperpot on the line for an exclusive interview.

Update: Check here for the second part once you’re done with this one…Chapter 7 episode 2.

This time he’s talking about his latest album (Chapter 7), a Tony Hawk freestyle, his origins in the world of hip-hop, his early work, how he had to sell his MPC 2000 to make rent…ah, fuck it, just download the episode and listen for yourself. Quality all the way around.

Check out the two tracks in there also:

Cut the Cake f/ Bamski the Bigot (promo / early copy only!)

This one introduced me to Copperpot – it was the first joint on his radio-only release, Chapter 7, Verses 1 and 2. It can also be found on vinyl (his first ever release), but other than that, I don’t think you’re gonna hear it anywhere else but here. Bam sounds like a real angry dude and drops some pretty ragged lines. Chess can play this one down all he likes, but I still dig the track. Get at me when you remix it, man.

Blow f/ Psalm One (exclusive!)
This is mixtape show exclusive, meaning that you are not going to hear this anywhere else, for now, forreal. The homegirl Psalm One jumps through with a catchy as hell hook and damn it, I hate writing about music. Just listen, you will like it, trust me.

Arright, that’s all I’m writing for now. Be on the lookout for episode #8 next week right here- we’ll have three exclusives on that joint, and you know they gonna be hot because your boy dont play no garbage. Peace to Chester and EV for this one. Hit him up: www.copperpot.cc

By the way, how are those 96 kbps files working for you all? Is the sound too lo-fi? Get at me and let me know…we need to keep ish quality…

And start linking me suckers! Tell people! Spread the word…

MIXTAPE SHOW EPISODE 6 – the conscious edition

MIXTAPE SHOW EPISODE 6 – the conscious edition

Damn, urticaria this took me a minute to get out.

I’m gonna keep the intro short to this one, ask considering that I’ve been writing mad articles on this ish lately. Basically I’d been thinking on doing an all-”conscious” mixtape for a minute now. There’s a lot of tracks I’d love to put on here, ampoule but I’m limited to what I can get permission for. Fortunately for you, every goddamn song I put out here is quality, and this episode is no exception – this one might actually kinda suprise you. The mixdown is dirty, but the songs is hot, no joke. Let’s have that tracklist…
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What it is, decease internets? It’s your boy dex digital, information pills back with that mixtape – episode 2. Seven new artists this time, all of them hip-hop, and all of them hot.

Here’s the tracklist. Most of these tracks can be downloaded for free on the artist’s sites.
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