I feel sort of weird about putting this out, mycoplasmosis because I’m not sure how people will take it. But fuck it I’m 26 I can do what I want.
As far as the inspiration for this theme, global burden of disease there are two things:
First, and I’m not going to turn this into a language lesson, but there’s a term I always liked in Japanese: ベクトルã®é•ã„, “bekutoru no chigai”, which sorta translates to “a difference in vectors”. This can be used to express a difference of opinion that two people have – so if you happen to feel one way about something and someone feels another way, then you both have different “vectors”, or different “directionalities”. Which I think is sort of an interesting metaphor. So that’s where the name comes from.
The second is actually something I’ve always considered to be a truth about thinking about interaction between people. I tried explaining this to a friend of mine when I was maybe 17, and she thought it was horrible and pessimistic, so I never really shared it with anyone else again, but I still think it’s pretty valid. Of course, the little exercise we do in the intro is a very simplified version – people are free to change their angles at any time, and sometimes do – but not very often; especially after they’ve gathered momentum from going in the same direction for a few years. So this is not fatalistic, I’m not saying people are doomed from the start to never get along, but, you know, it’s better than blaming your friend or blaming yourself when you don’t see eye to eye.
So that’s what this episode is about – different angles, different directions. In a sense this is sort of a final chapter to the (what I am now retroactively considering) series I made with 118 and 119.
TLDR: I made a rap tape about people fighting. It sorta goes hard so you should listen.
introlude: Paul White – Cheese Special and a Draw (slowed. Maybe too much. I shouldn’t have done that, sorry.) paulwhite.bandcamp.com.
Paul White – Floating Free.
Doss The Artist – Outer Blue ft Flying Lotus prod Hir-O. Old dude got called out. Hir-O, by the way, is crazy with the beats and you will be hearing more from him here in the future. @hirobeats
Tyler The Creator – Inglorious. This cut is so heavy. Tyler is an absolute beast. I will say right here that there is no collective that I am more excited about right now more than Odd Future. If you do not like this, then you should probably take a break from this show for a while. Also, +5 points if you understand the Shake Junt reference. @OFWGKTA
Big Ken – Sweetest Thing Freestyle. I think I said this the last time I played him, but this dude can really sing. Took me forever to put this one together, but thanks for hooking me up with this one. @bigkenmrmoney.
Sway – The King Full Stop. It still sort of weirds me out that dude died. You ever drive by the house where a relative of yours that has since passed on used to live, and you start crying? @sway_dycypha
Earl Sweatshirt - Luper. I’m pretty sure we’ve all been here before. Earl is also just stupid with the flows – I highly recommend listening to more of this kid. Also, the intro on this is absolutely hilarious. Incidentally, this is Tyler’s younger brother.@OFWGKTA
Doss The Artist – Sasha Grey. Seriously, go check the rest of this tape.
Domo Genesis – Last Roll. Yet another Odd Future member. The creativity in this group is just off the wall. @OFWGKTA
outrolude: Tev95 – Purple Minks @supertev95.
dex digi – 声ãŒå¥½ã[koe ga suki]. This is really more of a rework of someone else’s beat (mostly the voice samples), but I forgot whose. If this is yours, tell me, I’ll credit you. @dexdigi
so that’s this round. And yeah, if you do twitter or whatever, follow me: @dexdigi