So I got interviewed

and I thought I might share it with you. Matt from The Aesthetic Poetic (which I have actually recommended before) somehow got it into his head that it would be a good idea to ask me some questions and post the results. So if the prospect of looking at a textual account of my ability to dodge questions and jump all over the place in one sentence appeals to you, advice by all means click here and read.

On the real though, hospital Matt, good looking out on the interview. Everybody go to his site now and tell him that he’s insane for not liking the McFly 2015s.

Also shouts to Mamiko for the image used in the interview, because I’m too dumb to actually go out and buy my own goddamn camera.

DVD/CD Giveaway – Stones Throw / Ellen Allien

Hey, search motherfuckers! I know a lot of you have one of those DVD player things, and I know some of you also like to look at moving pictures and listen to sounds. So, when Lucy at Elemental told me about these two new DVDs from TimeOut Magazine, I figured I’d holler at her about giving some away to the community here on the site.

Here’s the two cities I have available, with a snippet and some info:

Los Angeles – DVD by Peanut Butter Wolf (featuring hella music videos at the end)
CD mixed by Madlib (featuring Quasimoto, Jaylib, Sun Ra Arkestra, Freestyle Fellowship, and damn a lot of stuff)

Suddenly I want to stay at the Viceroy.

Berlin, Germany
DVD and CD by Ellen Allien (featuring Plastikman, Miss Kittin, Ellen herself, and a German version of David Bowie’s “Heroes”)
Obviously this isn’t hip-hop at all, but come on. dex digital? you know I fucks with the techno. I also have to say that the Quarks – Königin joint I am feeling hard.

This is so euro-hip it’s not even funny.

So basically what you’re getting in this giveaway is a sort of multimedia travel guide. Each 2-disc pack has a DVD and a CD, which basically introduce you to the sights and sounds of their respective cities. I think you’re supposed to, like, watch this before you go on your extravagant trip to said locale, but I’m pretty sure you could just put it in your DVD player, watch it, listen to the rappidy-raps (or in the case of the Berlin joint, the bleepy techno) and pretend like you’re there.

Note – some people have reported having trouble with the phone lines, so the giveaway rules now are a little easier – just send an email (see below).

So here’s how to get your own copy.

1. Send me an email – (or use the contact form).
2. In the contents, tell me your favorite spot in your favorite city (could be any spot, in any city, for whatever reason (see white females above for inspiration))
3. Tell me which version (Berlin or Los Angeles) you want.

And that’s it. I only have 3 of these to give out, total. So if you want one, you should probably handle that now.

Mixtape Show listed as top podcast in Q Magazine

The Mixtape Show was mentioned in UK music magazine Q in the March 2007 issue on page 91.

Yes I know I already told you, sick but after the thousands upon thousands of emails asking me to get you all proof (okay actually ouxu left a comment), recipe I finally managed to get an image up.

The article, stomach “[the] 100 Best Places to Get Free Music”, has subcategories like live music, labels (nice to see stones throw on there), mp3 blogs – and the last category, starting at #91, is Podcasts, with everyone’s favorite hip-hop podcast at the head of the list. Others listed include Peter Townshend and this cool little indie station out in the UK called the BBC.

I also liked how they said that the show is “lively”. I’ll probably make some sort of joke about this later.

Anyway, as I said in the last episode – to everyone that listens to the show, and especially those of you that hit up the email/comments/phone line, thanks. Also thank you to Q Magazine‘s Chris Cottingham, Johnny Davis, Jaimie Hudgson, and Rupert Howe, or whichever one of you got really stoned and thought you heard a MF Doom freestyle on my show and decided to put me in your list.

This week’s episode is going to be really good.