All fucking right then. This week we’re getting into some more diverse shit. Check the tracklist, infection and download this shit. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show.
Dwele feat. Che Grand – Lady In Red. This joint is off of the “A Sensual Evening With Che Grand” mixtape. I don’t necessarily want a sensual evening with dude, but the music is generally pretty hot – this should give you an idea of what an indie label is actually capable of. I’d highly recommend copping the whole mixtape, if for no reason other than to hear the skits in between the tracks. Shit is off the wall. loudminoritymusic.com
Sa-Ra feat. J. Dilla – Thrilla. Oh, how cute – the producer and the track rhyme! Speaking of rhymes, the recently departed genius fucking smashes the first verse of this shit. Body bling like C-3P0?!? ohhhhhhh shit. The man will be missed. Shouts to Jon and everyone else at Sound In Color for giving your boy free reign on this shit. soundincolor.com
Sa-Ra – Big Fame. Okay, I know I made a comment in the show that could be taken the wrong way. Don’t get it twisted – I mean “bootleg” in the best sense of the word. I’m not sure if their record is going to be like this, but the sampler is absolutely off the fucking wall with the skits. Dear Sa-Ra: please do more of that shit. Since when does having a cookout equal “being productive”? All of you can hate all you like, but if Sa-Ra isn’t a part of this new space funk black music shit, then I’m caucasian. soundincolor.com
The Jones Girls feat. Che Grand – Nights Over Egypt. Yes, once again, an unauthorized remix off of the Sensual Evening mixtape. This should show all of you random-ass kids rapping over dead Dre beats over and over again something – namely, that anybody can do that shit. If you can rap over that electro groove shit, you have my respect, and possibly a coveted spot on the hottest rap podcast in the history of womankind. Che is a weird dude, but you can’t deny the talent. Dude rips this joint gently, if that’s possible. Fuck it, just listen. loudminoritymusic.com
Ol’ Dirty Bastard – Drunk Game. As I said in the show, this track really blurs the line between genius and insanity – which pretty much sums up the majority of the dude’s oeuvre. I have no idea who produced this – it could be RZA, or it could be one of those Casio joints that play when you push the red “demo” button. If you actually forget for a moment that it’s Unique Ason singing, you’ll notice that the man actually kinda sons about 80% of R&B singers out there. Which is good!!! which is good…. wutangcorp.com
Tanya Morgan – She Moved Outta Cincy. No, I haven’t revoked my strict “no female emcees” policy* (seriously, what the fuck is up with the ladies?! The second one of y’all hit me with some heat, I’ll put you on) – Tanya Morgan is actually three dudes that are labelmates of Mr. Che Grand. You might recognize Von Pea’s voice from a couple episodes ago. Is it just me, or is Loud Minority’s catalog full of joints about really horrible shit happening? Well, either way – TM is supposedly hot. If anyone wants more, I’ll see what I can do… loudminoritymusic.com
Damn, I managed to keep it short this week. Feel free to pass the information on, and be watching for the People Under The Stairs interview prolly next week. We all love hip-hop podcasts.
*No, really. For some reason the females have been slacking on me recently. Ladies please step your game up, thanks.